Tel el Eisa
AAR February 2015
After a couple of Panzer Korps (PK) battles in North West
Europe, I moved a thousand miles south (and two years back in time) for a
Western Desert encounter. Although I
have started collecting figures and models for this theatre, I have not built
up a big force, and many of the figures in this battle were substitutes wearing
khaki or grey instead of desert sand. This
battle was fought solo, using the PK rules, and 6mm figures, almost all GHQ, on
1” square steel bases. I used the ground scale recommended for the smaller
models – 1” in the rules translated to 1cm for all purposes. The table was
three feet by five. In practice it was only about two feet wide where all the
fighting took place, with the Mediterranean Sea intruding from the north, and a
rim of salt marsh.
The battle of Tel el Eisa was part of First El Alamein; it
took place after the first German attacks had run their course, and a fresh
Australian Division (9th), supported by 1st South African
Division, was tasked with taking two hills (Tel el Eisa and Tel el Makh Khad)
which were occupied by Italian troops. Historically the Commonwealth troops
chased off or captured many Italians, and then held the objectives against a
German counterattack.
Scenario Map |
The main defensive unit was the Italian 60th
(Sabratha) Division, with two regiments (4 rifle battalions), all with
Reservist morale, plus a single Bersaglieri battalion. They were supported by a
motorised regiment from the 102nd Trento division – these were
Regulars. There were also two 75mm artillery regiments. To the south west, off
the map, was a German Kampfgruppe, with five motorised infantry battalions, an
armoured car unit and another artillery regiment. These would arrive some time
after 10am under the normal PK reinforcement rules, which allow an increasing
arrival chance in each successive Day Segment.
Italian front line initial positions - looking north towards the Med |
Initial Italian deployment - looking west. |
Initial Italian deployment - from the south-west |
The 9th Australian Division had three Veteran
infantry battalions, 32nd Royal Tank Regimant with Valentines, 25pdr
Howitzer support and 9th Cavalry Regt, with two Bren Carrier
companies and a Crusader II company. In PZ a battalion takes its statistics
from the majority of its core companies, so this one was effectively a carrier
battalion. The Australians would be attacking on the right of the UK line, the
north, near the coast. The 1st SA Division would be arriving to
their left, but they were also counted as reinforcements, and would have to
dice for arrival. The South Africans would bring three more infantry battalions,
a Recon regiment with Humber A/Cs, and more 25pdrs.
For the first time in my PK battles, both sides had significant
air forces. The Commonwealth could deploy two squadrons each of Hurricanes,
Kittyhawks and Bostons, while the Axis had Bf-109G and MC 202 fighter squadrons,
plus two Stuka squadrons. The air battle is quite detailed. At the start of
each day segment, each side commits fighters to CAP, and also allocates ground
attack planes to one of the turns in the upcoming segment. If both sides commit
fighters then these battle it out, and the victor will be able to attempt to
intercept enemy planes if they execute ground attacks in the coming turns. It’s
quite hard to remember who is ready, who is rearming and who is arriving on
which turn, so I made myself a player aid with boxes to keep track of it all.
The off-board airfield play aids |
Day Segment 06:00 – 08:00.
Initiative British. Visibility 18”. 3 turns. This first Day Segment represented
the half-light of dawn – visibility was reduced to 18” and there was no air
activity. The 9th Division moved forward with the Valentines of the
RTR on the right (north) flank, the three infantry battalions next, and the
carrier regiment (9th Cavalry) to the south. The British artillery
had good intelligence about the Italian positions, and was able to bombard
them, though with a -1 to their die roll.
The British had decided to try to break through initially to
the north, where the Bersaglieri were
positioned between Tel el Eisa and the marshes. Although they were regulars,
the Bersaglieri were not as well entrenched (medium cover, while the other
Italian infantry were in hard cover). In the first two turns the British off
board artillery hit the Italians, but the damage was minor, 1-2 DMs which were
quickly removed. In these turns the advancing Australians were outside
visibility range, but in the third turn the Valentines were in sight of the
Bersaglieri – they fired, with no effect on the target, but the tanks found
themselves low on ammo. This means that they will fire at reduced effect until
a supply column can reach them.
08:00 - the Australians advance |
08:00 - Australians advance - view from the south |
Day Segment 08:00 – 10:00.
Initiative Axis. Visibility unlimited. 1 turn. With the weaker Italian general
winning the initiative, and rolling low, there was only going to be one turn in
this Day Segment. The South Africans could have arrived, needing a 40% chance,
but rolled higher than that. Several squadrons turned up on each side. The MC
202s took on the Kittyhawks, and after a number of rounds the Italians
prevailed, with the British fighters retiring with 11 Air Damage Markers.
However the Bostons then drove off the Italian fighters, also with considerable
In the bombardment phase the Italian 75mm howitzers caused
2DM to the Australian 3/26 battalion, and a Stuka squadron added 1DM, with the
subsequent morale check adding one more. The British 25pdrs hit the Bersaglieri
for 3DM, and three fighter/bomber squadrons caused 5DM. The result was panic
and the Italian troops fled their trenches. Apart from this there was little
action – the Italian infantry were mostly not yet spotted in their dug-in
positions, and the advancing Australians were still out of range for the
10:00 - the South Africans arrive |
Day Segment 10:00 –
12:00. Initiative British. 2 turns. The South Africans were now on a 45%
chance to arrive, and this time they succeeded. The German Kampfgruppe had its
first opportunity to arrive, a 40% chance, and they got lucky straight away –
so both sides had their reinforcements available. In the air both sides
committed CAP squadrons – the British were Kittyhawks, the Germans were Bf
-109Gs. Rather surprisingly the Kittyhawks got the initiative and drove off the
German fighters. In the first turn the British artillery hit the Bersaglieri,
now out in the open, and caused further panic. Fire was exchanged between the
entrenched Italian infantry and the approaching Australians, to relatively
little effect. The biggest impact, in fact, was when the Italian 1/86th
rolled poorly on their fire dice, indicating potential ammo problems, and then
rolled a six, leaving them out of ammo entirely. This was a big problem because
in this scenario the Axis forces have no supply column.
The German reinforcements arrive |
German reinforcements - KG Keihl covers the flanks of Tel el Makh Khad |
In the second turn a Stuka squadron arrived, and in another
surprise result, they drove off the Kittyhawks flying CAP. They then bombed the
7th/8th Artillery, causing 2DM. In the bombardment phase
the 1/86th were hit twice, and both times rolled a 1 on their cover
die (a D10 because of the heavy entrenchments.). This left them with 6DM, and a
morale roll forced them to fall back. In the firing phase the Bren Carriers of
9th Cavalry hit them again, causing a further 3DM and they now
panicked. The rest of the Italian infantry were keeping up fire on the
advancing Australian infantry, who were now starting to accumulate a few DMs,
but for now their morale held firm. The German Kampfgruppe had arrived from the
south west, but they rolled 1 on their Decision Die on both turns, so progress
was slow.
11:00 - Stukas attack the 25pdrs of the 7th/8th Artillery |
Situation at noon, looking west |
Day Segment 12:00 –
14:00. Initiative Axis. 2 turns. The CAP fight saw the MC 202 squadron,
still with 7 ADM from the earlier engagement, take on a fresh Hurricane
squadron, and the Italians were quickly sent packing. The Hurricanes then drove
off a Stuka squadron in the first turn, while Allied Bostons put 2 DMs on the
unlucky 1/86th. Artillery then added another DM, and with three DMs
in one phase the infantry had to take a morale check, leading to a further
panic. As Reservists they are only allowed to recover from panic twice, so this
was their last chance – the next one would be permanent. The British supply
column reached 32nd RTR close to Tel el Eisa and they were back to
full ammo. However the 1/85th, occupying the hill, fired at the
tanks, who rolled a 1, losing them 5DM in total (including the morale test) and
killing a Decorated Leader. Just to the south the Italian 2/85th
also had success, hitting 3/26th Battalion for 3DM and causing
Situation after noon from the east |
After noon - from the south west, as the Germans advance |
After noon - Tel el Eisa and the front line |
In the second turn Hurricanes struck the 1/86th,
and they panicked – so their battle was over and they headed for the rear.
However the German artillery was now in action, and their first shots struck
three Australian battalions crowded close together, forcing morale checks on
two of them. To the south the German armoured cars had reach the east end of
Tel el Makh Khad and fired on the Humbers of 3rd Recon, suppressing
them. Things were looking relatively good for the Axis, but then 32nd
RTR attacked 1/85th on Tel el Eisa; the Italians rolled a 1 on their
cover die and then panicked, leaving their trenches, so suddenly one of the
main objectives was open to be captured.
KG Keihl faces the advancing South Africans |
Day Segment 14:00 –
16:00. Initiative British. 3 turns. In the air the battered Bf-109s were
driven off by another Kittyhawk squadron. Bostons and one British artillery
regiment attacked the 1/85th, who had fallen back from Tel el Eisa,
but did not force a morale check. Two more regiments bombarded the 2/86th,
who were still in their trenches on Tel el Makh Khad. They took 3DMs, plus two
more from the morale check, but they held firm in cover. However to the north
the RTR fired again at 1/85th, now in the open, and panicked them,
while 9th Cavalry attacked 2/85th and panicked them as
well. Contagion now took over, as the effect of being close to panicking units
made things ever worse. 1/85th broke entirely, 2/85th and
the Bersaglieri both panicked again. In the next turn artillery fire broke the
2/85th, and now the German reinforcements were battling forward
through a stream of retreating allies.
The Valentines capture Tel el Eisa |
The Australian infantry was still struggling forward; in the
open under artillery bombardment, they had to keep stopping to recover
disorder. A unit recovers an extra DM if it does not move in a turn, and it is
important to avoid a steady build-up of disorder. The South Africans were also
making slow progress against the southern hill, as the armoured cars of KG
Kiehl were covering the lower slopes. However with the Italians to the north
now broken, the carriers of 9th Cavalry were moving against the
flanks of the infantry on the hill (2/86th). Then, in the last turn
of the segment, two of the SA battalions hit KG Kiehl for 5DM and surprisingly
the Elite unit panicked.
16:00 - South Africans close in on Tel el Makh Khad |
The Australians consolidate on Tel el Eisa |
Day Segment 16:00 –
18:00. Initiative British. 1 turn. A Hurricane squadron drove off the
Italian MC 202 CAP, and then more Hurricanes attacked the Bersaglieri. They
broke this unit, which in turn meant that the Italians force group was broken.
Their intrinsic command level is only 35%, making them very fragile, so now all
the Italian troops started to withdraw. The Valentines established themselves
on Tel el Eisa, and as British artillery swept the German infantry struggling
across the open ground in the valley, it was clear that the Germans had little
hope of assaulting the hill.
The Italians in full flight |
Day Segment 18:00 –
20:00. Visibility 18”. Initiative German. 2 turns. With twilight falling
there was no air action. The British artillery concentrated on the most
advanced German infantry battalion, 1/361, and caused it to panic, making it
absolutely certain that Tel el Eisa would not be assaulted. On Tel el Makh Khad
2/86th was retreating slowly, under pressure from the carriers and
South African infantry moving forward after the departure of the armoured cars
of KG Kiehl. In the final turn the carriers hit 2/86th for 3DM and
they panicked away, leaving the hill in British hands.
With the capture of both objective hills, and the breaking
of the Italian force, this was a complete victory for the British. It was a
little closer than it seems, though – both the Australian and South African
infantry had real problems advancing in the open. The key units were the armour,
especially the Valentines of the RTR. The Italians were also quite unlucky –
several units in heavy entrenchments rolled a “1” on their D10 cover die, and
once they had retreated out of cover they were very vulnerable. The many
Reserve morale units also gave problems, being much more fragile, as well as
less effective in firing.
Final positions - Tel el Eisa |
Final positions - Tel el Makh Khad |
This was another fun battle, and very different from the
previous one in the North Western Europe theatre, with its close cover and
limited lines of sight. Out in the open spaces of the desert, infantry are
vulnerable, and the armoured units can make a crucial difference.
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