The first thing to say is that these rules are somewhat
eccentrically edited, to say the least. They are fairly glossy, with plenty of
photos, mostly of ordinary wargames models – this isn’t a Warlords publication
with Perry miniatures professionally photographed. More to the point, the
structure is difficult to penetrate, with important points stuck in seemingly
at random, or left out altogether. A lot of interpretations and indeed
important core rules can only be found by trawling the archives of the Yahoo
group, or asking questions – which are always answered promptly, to be fair. If
you expect your rules to be neatly organised, with all ambiguities eliminated
and everything fully explained, then these are probably not for you.
So if they are difficult to pick up, why am I bothering to
write about them? The answer is that they are well worth the effort, they
contain several elegant but very effective mechanisms, and they really give the
feeling, for me, of operating at this high level (Division or Brigade) – this
is not a set where you move squads or platoons and call them battalions. Once
you figure out how they work it all fits together very naturally, flows
smoothly and gives an effect which matches the battles we read about in the
history books. These are the sort of battles you read about in the Ospreys, not
30 men and a Sherman fighting 30 men and a Stug “somewhere in France”.
As I said, this is Divisional warfare – in a typical
single-evening battle you will each command a single Division, though you can
easily have larger multi-player Corp-v-Corps games. The basic unit of manoeuvre
is the battalion, which is represented by three core companies, normally all
the same type. In addition you can have up to four attached companies of many
types. So a battalion has 3-7 bases – for example an infantry battalion might
have three infantry companies, plus an HMG company, a mortar company and an ATG
company. Whatever the make-up the battalion fights as a single entity with a
single Fire Die. The type and size of the die depends only on the core
companies. The attached companies affect combat by giving plusses to the score
on the Fire Die. This means that you don’t have to mess about micro-managing every
base – the arrangement of the three core companies shows where the battalion is
and what it’s doing (fighting line or transit column) and the attachments are
just tucked in behind. If you have, say, a Tiger company attached to your
infantry you don’t go sniping enemy armour a mile away. The Tigers stick to
supporting their infantry under local control, as they should.
In terms of models, there are two scales – 15mm/20mm where
1” on the table is 50m, and smaller 6mm/10mm models with 1cm = 50m. I use the
6mm models, with companies on 1” square bases – you can spread the bases of a
battalion up to 2”/2cm apart to give a battalion frontage of a few hundred
metres. At this scale a foot on your table is a mile, so a fairly modest 5x3 or
6x4 table gives you plenty of terrain for a Division offensive. In the larger
scale you’d use something like an FoW team base or a single vehicle for each
company, but in my view that does not give the visual impression of a large
battle. This scale really suits the smaller models.
I mentioned there are some nice mechanisms and it’s worth
covering them in detail. The first one is the time structure. Unlike almost all
rules we don’t find an arbitrary sequence of turns, with some nominal time
equivalent, so that a battle lasts “8 turns” or whatever. A Panzer Korps battle
is divided into specific two-hour “Day Segments” – 0600-0800, 0800-1000 and so
on. In each segment there are a variable number of turns, up to three. This is
diced for at the start of the segment, and the main adjustments are based on
the quality of the generals – better generals can get more done in a given
time. It is even possible for two poor generals to get nothing done in a given
segment, especially in poor weather. Only a good general can get his troops
started at 0600, so most battles start at 0800, scenarios of course can vary
this. The day ends with a dusk segment and the night is a single segment, with
some regrouping allowed. A battle may well go into a second day or longer, as
happened in history. This structure gives a very clear feeling of time passing,
and the scale of the battle as hours go by. You don’t think “five turns gone
out of eight”, you think “it’s 1600 and I have to get to the bridge before
nightfall”. It may seem peripheral, but in my view this time structure is a key
element to the flavour of the game.

The next feature worth mentioning is the Disorder Marker
(DM), which is the mechanism by which battalions take damage. The three core
companies are never removed, though attachments can be lost through critical
failures. The core of the battalion takes DMs from fire, representing
casualties, yes, but more importantly confusion, disruption, disorganisation.
You can also get DMs from causes such as moving through difficult terrain, and
from morale failures. Each time a formation takes three DMs from fire it takes
a Panic test; if it fails it retreats, and also takes more DMs. It
automatically stops panicking at the end of the turn, no need to rally it, but
there is a limit to the number of times it can recover, based on its quality –
three times for Veterans, only once for Militia. If it panics again after
reaching the limit then it leaves the field.
DMs can be removed by a formation during each movement turn,
representing officers and NCOs getting the unit back in shape. You always
remove one DM if you don’t move, one if you are Veteran or Regular and a few
other causes. So a small number of DMs are quickly recovered. However once you
start taking lots of fire and perhaps panicking they quickly mount up and become
much more difficult to remove. This
mechanism makes formations become shaky, fall back to recover and then return,
but eventually they withdraw and you better have another battalion ready to fill
the gap. To me this seems a realistic simulation of what we see in actual
battle histories.
Firing is done by single opposed die rolls. The attacking
unit rolls a Fire Die whose size (D6, D8, 10 etc.) is determined by the calibre
of AT weapons, or the unit’s quality in the case of AP/HE weapons, and
modifiers are applied due to the attached companies and other situational
variables. The defender rolls a Cover Die, again of variable size, based on
cover or armour class. Infantry in the open roll a D4, in heavy cover they get
a D10. The rolls are compared; if the Fire Die beats the Cover Die DMs are
applied, based on how badly it is beaten. A Cover Die roll of 1 is a critical
failure – an attached company is lost, and a Decorated Leader is killed if
present. Obviously this is much more likely if you are rolling a D4 than a
large die, so you need to avoid being caught in the open.
Decorated Leaders are another neat mechanism. They represent
battle-hardened officers, Big Men to coin a phrase. You get a number of DLs to
distribute to your formations, and they have two functions. If they are with an
HQ they add to the Decision Die roll (the colour dice). If you have a large
force with weak leadership this may be the only way to get your units enough
orders to mount a coherent attack. DLs with fighting battalions add bonuses to
the Panic roll, and also remove DMs each turn – so they make the unit much more
resilient. Balancing these two uses of the limited number of DLs is a crucial
decision in organising your force.

Hello, and thanks for your review. I picked up these rules recently at Salute, but have not yet managed more than a quick read of the first part. Like you, I prefer larger scale battles such as can be gamed with PK. I have played Epsom several times, the first a slow slog with Spearhead, and later with Lightning War.
ReplyDeleteI would be interested to know if you have found the rules to favour historical tactics. I like many rule sets, but it is often grating to see someone use a "gamey" tactic because "the rules allow it".
Kind regards
PS also liked your battle report. Found your blog via your TMP post.
DeleteAndrew, that's a good question - I also don't like rules which allow or even encourage unrealistic tactics. My impression is that these rules do not do that - so for example the exact positioning of individual company bases is not critical, which reduces the opportunities for working the rules. However I can't be sure, since I have been playing them solo, against myself, and maybe if I found an opponent who was that way inclined, they might find loopholes to exploit.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the review. Just bought the rules. Your review gave a nice overview of what to do.
ReplyDeleteVictor, I do hope you enjoy these rules. They are certainly different from the majority of rules on the market, and I do think that they give the feel of operations at the higher level.
ReplyDeletethanks so much for the post, it is a nice introduction to the game! I have the rules somewhere and was put off by the editing. Will give them another try.
ReplyDeleteJust order the rules from Lulu so i look forward to having a read and trying them out. Thanks for the review.
ReplyDeleteJohn, I picked up Manny's Napoleonic rules (Corps Command) and found them 'eccentrically edited', but your review of Panzer Korps encouraged me to stick with them. I have found the Napoleonic rules most enjoyable, and they capture the flavor of the Napoleonic battlefield quite well. Thank you for the review, I doubt if I would have stuck with the rules without your review.