Tuesday, 30 January 2018

More Survivors

I painted up another six survivor miniatures, this time from Hasslefree. They are from the Modern Adventurers range, and they're not very obviously aimed at the post-apocalypse market, though they will fit in pretty well. As models they are well animated, and fairly slight in general, though I didn't feel they had quite as much detail or "personality" as the Lead Adventurers I painted up previously. Still, they are good models, and Hasslefree has a very large range.

Monday, 1 January 2018


I painted up half a dozen figures for post-apocalypse survivor games - This is Not a Test is the rule set I have in mind. These figures were from Magister Militum, from the Lead Adventurer range. There was a five-figure set called the Last Heroes, and a single figure from Dogs of War - a camouflaged sniper. I thought these were really nice figures - very cleanly cast, but more importantly, very characterful. The faces were distinctive and individual, with clear and natural expressions. In general they were a pleasure to paint and they came out very nicely.