Six Gun Sound has a career campaign mode, and I started on with a Gunfighter character. The very first encounter I rolled, he is escorting some wagons when Indians attack. After Salute I bought various western figures, including a pack of Apaches from Foundry - and guess which pack I have not yet painted. So the campaign was on hold until I could give the Indians their warpaint. Also, over Christmas I got a couple of 4Ground kits - a Stagecoach and a building. I built the stagecoach, though the ambush is of dull wagons, but it's quite a nice kit. No driver or passengers yet, but Dixon have an order right now to fill that gap.
I have been wargaming for many years, part of the Featherstone generation, and I have played almost every period and scale that you can imagine. I started with Airfix, as so many did, and WW2 is still the period I return to most often. But I have played Ancients, Colonials, Naval (sail and steam), Western and Sci Fi, almost anything you could think of, mostly solo. I am also an inveterate collector of rule sets, most of which never actually get played.
Monday, 29 December 2014
Apache Dawn
As promised I had a go at a few little fights with Six Gun Sound, and enjoyed them. They are from Two Hour Wargames, and share an initiative system with a lot of their titles - perhaps the best-known being NUTS. This means that when someone comes into sight, the sighter has a "Got a Shot" initative roll, and he may fire, or the moving figure may fire first - they exchange shots until one is hit or steps back, then the move continues. A different take, and I like the feel of it for gunfights - some details were obscure but after discussions on the THW forum I downloaded their (free) Chain Reaction 3.1 rules. These have an updated version of the reaction system which clarifies it well.
Six Gun Sound has a career campaign mode, and I started on with a Gunfighter character. The very first encounter I rolled, he is escorting some wagons when Indians attack. After Salute I bought various western figures, including a pack of Apaches from Foundry - and guess which pack I have not yet painted. So the campaign was on hold until I could give the Indians their warpaint. Also, over Christmas I got a couple of 4Ground kits - a Stagecoach and a building. I built the stagecoach, though the ambush is of dull wagons, but it's quite a nice kit. No driver or passengers yet, but Dixon have an order right now to fill that gap.

Six Gun Sound has a career campaign mode, and I started on with a Gunfighter character. The very first encounter I rolled, he is escorting some wagons when Indians attack. After Salute I bought various western figures, including a pack of Apaches from Foundry - and guess which pack I have not yet painted. So the campaign was on hold until I could give the Indians their warpaint. Also, over Christmas I got a couple of 4Ground kits - a Stagecoach and a building. I built the stagecoach, though the ambush is of dull wagons, but it's quite a nice kit. No driver or passengers yet, but Dixon have an order right now to fill that gap.
Saturday, 13 December 2014
Law of the Gun
At Salute in the spring I picked up a copy of the Dead Man's Hand rules for the Wild West, and also a couple of the very nice 4Ground buildings released to match the rule set. I played a few games with these rules, but I never quite felt happy with them. The card-driven play is very clever, but there are too many special cases, it feels as if it is all chrome; also there isn't a very strong campaign/career mode - the Schemes mechanism from Legends is again quite clever, but it just didn't do it for me.
The buildings, on the other hand, are excellent. They are the pre-coloured laser cut mdf style which is increasingly popular. 4Ground have a wide variety of ranges, different scales, periods and genres, and I have made a few 15mm WW2, but I think this material really works best with Wild West buildings. It is after all wood, which is exactly what these buildings are made of. The mdf isn't quite convincing for brick, concrete or steel structures, but for wooden planks it's perfect. I also very much enjoy the process of actually building the models - they are very detailed, and the way they have been designed to use the pre-coloured mdf is very ingenious. There are lots of little features - opening doors and windows, options to build models with or without damage (or even adaptable during a game), pictures, notices and posters. The instructions are very detailed and clear, and while it is PVA glue I was reminded very much of making Airfix models many decades ago.
I came back from Salute and bought a 3' x 2' board, and landscaped it to form the base of a small Western town - one rough road and a T junction, a small pool and various bits of scrub. It was nice to do some realistic terrain for a change - for most wargaming I tend towards the representational, since the terrain is never in scale with the figures. However for 1-1 skirmish games it is different, what you see on the table is what's actually there - a house is a house, a tree (or a cactus) is a tree or a cactus.
So I was looking for some rules to use for encounters in my small but growing hamlet (Sick Dog's Paw). At Fiasco in October I had bought Chris Peers' rules, Law of the Gun, and I decided to get them out and have a go. I have to say I wasn't terribly excited with the actual games - reading them through they seemed quite promising, but in play they didn't quite work. The key mechanism for activation, shooting and a number of other things is rolling a certain number of D6s and trying to score 6s. A group of up to four figures rolls 3 (Townsfolk) 4 (Fighters) or 5 (Gunfighters) dice, and they all get an action for every 6. One problem here is that nearly half the time, four D6s will produce no scores of 6. And then all the members of that group can do nothing except fire wildly. Even professionals with 5 D6 will fail to get an action 40% of the time. And having a whole group acting, or not acting, all at the same time seems a bit unnatural in a 1-1 skirmish game. Maybe this would work better with slightly larger sides, with several groups there would be less chance of several turns going by with nothing happening.
I ran a small test fight, with a gang of four fighters on each side. I made an error with one gang, leaving the rifleman back to shoot while the other three moved forward - that meant the gang lost one D6, and they found it even harder to take an action. The two sides shuffled forward and met on either side of a corral, where they blazed away for some time. Eventually two guys ran forward round a corner in the open, weren't hit, and then got a gut shot on an opponent, killing him. At this point the enemy gang broke morale, and fled.
Chris Peers is a very experienced rules writer, and I am sure that for the right sort of fight these would work well, but they did not give me the feel I was looking for. After a bit of reading around the forums, I lighted on Six Gun Sound: Blaze of Glory by Two Hour Wargames. I have heard a lot about these people - I guess Nuts is their best-known product - but I have never bought any of their rules. Thanks to the glory of the internet, $10 through Paypal meant that I had a pdf of the rules in my hand within minutes. They look very interesting - lots of content (well over 100 pages), a very different turn and initiative sequence, and plenty of opportunities for careers, character development and so on. I'm going to give them a go soon to see how they work for me.
The buildings, on the other hand, are excellent. They are the pre-coloured laser cut mdf style which is increasingly popular. 4Ground have a wide variety of ranges, different scales, periods and genres, and I have made a few 15mm WW2, but I think this material really works best with Wild West buildings. It is after all wood, which is exactly what these buildings are made of. The mdf isn't quite convincing for brick, concrete or steel structures, but for wooden planks it's perfect. I also very much enjoy the process of actually building the models - they are very detailed, and the way they have been designed to use the pre-coloured mdf is very ingenious. There are lots of little features - opening doors and windows, options to build models with or without damage (or even adaptable during a game), pictures, notices and posters. The instructions are very detailed and clear, and while it is PVA glue I was reminded very much of making Airfix models many decades ago.
I came back from Salute and bought a 3' x 2' board, and landscaped it to form the base of a small Western town - one rough road and a T junction, a small pool and various bits of scrub. It was nice to do some realistic terrain for a change - for most wargaming I tend towards the representational, since the terrain is never in scale with the figures. However for 1-1 skirmish games it is different, what you see on the table is what's actually there - a house is a house, a tree (or a cactus) is a tree or a cactus.
So I was looking for some rules to use for encounters in my small but growing hamlet (Sick Dog's Paw). At Fiasco in October I had bought Chris Peers' rules, Law of the Gun, and I decided to get them out and have a go. I have to say I wasn't terribly excited with the actual games - reading them through they seemed quite promising, but in play they didn't quite work. The key mechanism for activation, shooting and a number of other things is rolling a certain number of D6s and trying to score 6s. A group of up to four figures rolls 3 (Townsfolk) 4 (Fighters) or 5 (Gunfighters) dice, and they all get an action for every 6. One problem here is that nearly half the time, four D6s will produce no scores of 6. And then all the members of that group can do nothing except fire wildly. Even professionals with 5 D6 will fail to get an action 40% of the time. And having a whole group acting, or not acting, all at the same time seems a bit unnatural in a 1-1 skirmish game. Maybe this would work better with slightly larger sides, with several groups there would be less chance of several turns going by with nothing happening.
I ran a small test fight, with a gang of four fighters on each side. I made an error with one gang, leaving the rifleman back to shoot while the other three moved forward - that meant the gang lost one D6, and they found it even harder to take an action. The two sides shuffled forward and met on either side of a corral, where they blazed away for some time. Eventually two guys ran forward round a corner in the open, weren't hit, and then got a gut shot on an opponent, killing him. At this point the enemy gang broke morale, and fled.
Chris Peers is a very experienced rules writer, and I am sure that for the right sort of fight these would work well, but they did not give me the feel I was looking for. After a bit of reading around the forums, I lighted on Six Gun Sound: Blaze of Glory by Two Hour Wargames. I have heard a lot about these people - I guess Nuts is their best-known product - but I have never bought any of their rules. Thanks to the glory of the internet, $10 through Paypal meant that I had a pdf of the rules in my hand within minutes. They look very interesting - lots of content (well over 100 pages), a very different turn and initiative sequence, and plenty of opportunities for careers, character development and so on. I'm going to give them a go soon to see how they work for me.
The Green gang - Jed, Jake, Josh and Jim |
The Reds - Tex, Ted, Tyrone and Tony |
An overview of Sick Dog's Paw |
View down the main street from the east... |
And the west |
The corral where most of the action took place |
The Red gang strung out to keep within 6" of each other |
The Greens have bunched up to have a better chance of rolling an Action |
In the distance Tyrone lies dead, while the rest of the Reds head for the hills |
The final scene at the corral |
Basing Instinct
A small but weighty parcel from Hampshire tells me that Ian Carbutt of Precision
Wargame Supplies has come through with more supplies, a hundred more 1"
square steel bases. I use these to base all my 6mm troops, and I had run
out, so I had to pause on the 6mm painting (and did some Wild West, a
topic for a different post). For now, with the new bases I was able to
finish a few units, two bases of German motorcycle troops, and a single
command stand representing Rommel - all these figures are Heroics and
Ross. Next up in this scale I have some British desert tanks already
sprayed in Portland Stone and ready to finish, but for now I am heading

Saturday, 6 December 2014
On Yer Bike
A slight departure from the norm for me, these are Heroics and Ros figures, for the simple reason that I needed some bicycle recon companies in 6mm and GHQ don't do any bicycle troops at all. H&R do have a wider range than GHQ, so sometimes an esoteric requirement drives me into their arms, and in fact the difference in quality is probably less apparent with figures than with vehicles. H&R also do much smaller quantities if needed, so four strips of three cyclists cost me £1-60. Sadly, by the time I had ordered, received, painted and based them, the battle for which I wanted them had ended (see my AAR of Operation Constellation) but they will come in handy next time. Based as usual on 1" square steel bases, and I stretched them over three bases in case I need a bicycle battalion, three companies, in the Panzer Korps rules.
Painting these made me wonder why there are not more examples of the use of bicycles, because they would seem to have a lot of advantages - much faster than foot movement - much cheaper than vehicles, and also more flexible and stealthy. But apart from the Japanese in Malaysia, there doesn't seem to have been much mass use. Was it because they were actually quite expensive, at one per solider, or were they awkward in battle situations, having to go back and get them after the fight was over? Or maybe soldiers just didn't look cool, pedaling off to war.
Painting these made me wonder why there are not more examples of the use of bicycles, because they would seem to have a lot of advantages - much faster than foot movement - much cheaper than vehicles, and also more flexible and stealthy. But apart from the Japanese in Malaysia, there doesn't seem to have been much mass use. Was it because they were actually quite expensive, at one per solider, or were they awkward in battle situations, having to go back and get them after the fight was over? Or maybe soldiers just didn't look cool, pedaling off to war.
Naval gazing
Many years ago - several decades ago - I was very much into naval gaming, especially WW1 and WW2. As a teenager I read everything I could find about the German raiders in the Pacific in the first war, the clashes in the North Sea in 1916, and the actions in northern waters in WW2. As with my land gaming, I am always troubled when there is a gross mismatch between the model scale and the ground (sea) scale. When battleships could engage at 20,000 yards it looks ridiculous to see them apparently about a ship's length apart. So I went for the smallest scale models, the 1/6000 line sold at the time by (I think) Hallmark, now Figurehead. I built up a fairly large collection, pretty much the whole of the British and German WW2 fleets, and a fair selection of US and Japanese. I haven't used them for about ten years, but I was piqued by seeing a post on TMP about Toshach Miniatures and their deck templates for some of these ships. Essentially you buy a pdf download which gives you a sheet to print with images of the carrier decks, with or without aircraft. You can print this on decal paper if you wish, but I bought a sample ($3 for two ships) and simply printed them on plain white 80gsm paper, cut them out with a scalpel and stuck them to the decks of a couple of my models - Kaga and Akagi.
The results are very nice - in the pictures below I have the four Japanese carriers from Midway - Kaga and Akagi with their new-look decks, and Soryu and Hiryu as painted many years ago for comparison. These plans are not all that cheap - $3 for a sheet for just two ships means they are costing about a pound per model - but they do hugely improve the appearance of the models on the table. One problem is that they are only applicable to carriers, and at present anyway only available for a selection of US and Japanese ships.
The results are very nice - in the pictures below I have the four Japanese carriers from Midway - Kaga and Akagi with their new-look decks, and Soryu and Hiryu as painted many years ago for comparison. These plans are not all that cheap - $3 for a sheet for just two ships means they are costing about a pound per model - but they do hugely improve the appearance of the models on the table. One problem is that they are only applicable to carriers, and at present anyway only available for a selection of US and Japanese ships.
Operation Constellation 13th October 1944 - AAR
This battle was fought solo, using the Panzer Korps rules, and
6mm figures, almost all GHQ, on 1” square steel bases. I used the ground scale
recommended for these small models – 1” in the rules translated to 1cm for all
purposes. The table was three feet by five. As with my previous fight,
Operation Epsom, this scenario is very suitable for solo play, as the Germans
have limited options, starting entrenched and moving around very rarely,
especially as the British have air superiority. I used a simple fog of war
mechanism, playing cards representing the German battalions with some dummies.
The potential sites for the Germans are pretty clear – numerous small woods and
a few towns. I deployed the cards face down, and only revealed them if they
took enough damage to require a panic test, or if there was a possibility they
might wish to fire. Not exactly state-of-the-art AI, but quick and simple.
For those unfamiliar with these rules, the day is divided
into two-hour Day Segments within which there are a variable number of games
turns. DMs are Disorder Markers, which are the measure of damage on battalions.
Too many DMs and it may panic, and after, typically, three panics the formation
will retreat off the field. Reserve morale units, of which the Germans had two,
are only allowed two panics.
![]() | |
Map of the engagement from Legacy of Defiance |
Operation Constellation took place in October 1944, after
the failure of Market Garden, as the British attempted to reduce the Maas
salient. This scenario, by David Bush, is taken from the Panzer Korps book
Legacy of Defiance, a collection of scenarios for Commonwealth forces. It
covers the second day of Constellation, October 13th, when British
forces were tasked with crossing the river Loobeek and driving on the town of
Venray to the south. There are three bridges over the river, but the Germans
have wired these with explosives, and the terrain south of the river is dotted
with woodland ideal to conceal dug-in defenders.
To win the British needed to have at least three battalions
over the river in good order, and at least one intact bridge under their
uncontested control. For a major victory they needed to take Venray, about two
miles further on. The British had three brigades of the 3rd Infantry
Division, each with three infantry battalions. The 8th and 9th
Brigades also each had a Guards tank regiment (Churchills) and a regiment of
25pdrs. The 185th Brigade had a scout car Recce regiment, and two
artillery regiments – one of 25pdrs and one 5.5” howitzers. They also had four
squadrons of ground attack aircraft – two of Typhoons and two of B-26
Venray looking south towards the River Loobeek |
The battlefield from the west |
To stop them the Germans had a small brigade from the 107th
Panzers – one Panther battalion and one Panzergrenadier battalion. The Panzer
Korps rules impose a command penalty on very small forces, so to balance this
the HQ unit (the Panthers) had five decorated leaders assigned. The other
German force was Kampfgruppe Walther, a real mixed bag. They had three
Parachute battalions (one Veteran), an SS battalion and two units with reserve
morale – a Luftwaffe battalion and a rear echelon Alarmen battalion.
It being October, the battle started with the 0800 Day Turn.
Prior to this the British had one round of pre-game bombardment from all their
artillery. This inflicted an insignificant 2DM on one blind, but another in a
central wood took 6DM. This would have triggered a Panic test, but on turning
the card it proved to be a dummy.
Day Segment 08:00 – 10:00.
Initiative British. Visibility 30”. 3 turns. The British moved forward with the
9th Brigade on the right (western) flank, 8th Brigade in
the centre and 185th on the left, where the woods approached closest
to the river, leaving the shortest distance to cover in the open – the 185th
had no tank support. All the British bombardment concentrated on the small wood
between the roads in the centre, but again this proved to have only dummy
occupants. The Germans decided there was no point delaying and triggered the
demolition of the bridges – two were destroyed but the explosives failed for
the one on the western edge of the board, leaving a route across. Infantry
battalions could cross the river anywhere, but at a cost of significant
disruption, while vehicles had to use a bridge. Apart from the surviving
bridge, the 8th and 9th Brigades each had a Churchill
bridging company, though these would take a full Day Segment to establish a
crossing. As the British pushed forward there was little action at first – no
Germans had been sighted. In the third turn an FO with the 185th was
able to shift artillery fire to the easternmost wood. This caused 5DM on the
reservist Alarmen battalion entrenched there, but they passed their Panic test,
a little unexpectedly.
10:00 - the British have reached the river and started to cross |
10:00 - to the east the Alarmen battalion is under fire in the woods |
Day Segment 10:00 –
12:00. Initiative British. Visibility 30”. 2 turns. In the first artillery
bombardment two of the British regiments found themselves low on ammo. Both the
German artillery units were called in by the Alarmen battalion to fire at the 2nd
Warwicks now in the open across the river. They took 5DM from the two attacks,
and took a Panic test which they failed, falling back. After movement the
Alarmen battalion fired at another of the 185th Brigade’s units, the
2nd Shropshires; they caused 3DM and a Panic test, and while they
did not break, the Shropshires took 3 more DMs and had to fall back. Then, at
the end of the turn, the Shropshires had to take another test, because of their
proximity to a panicking unit and this time, encumbered by 6DM, they too
panicked. This would not be the last example of the domino effect of panic
among units under heavy fire in the open.
In the centre artillery fire has spread panic in the British ranks. The South Lancs have pulled back and stopped bridging |
At this point I realised that I could not leave the blind
cards entirely uninspected. Any unit can call in artillery fire at the start of
a Day Segment, but to shift it in the middle requires a Forward Observer. The
Germans only had one FO, who was with the HQ Battalion of KG Walther. After
some discreet peeking under cards, it turned out that this hero had positioned
his HQ at the very rear west corner of the map, well out of visibility range of
any enemy. Moving the battalion forward would have been very foolish, with
British Typhoons roaming looking for targets in the open.
The other unit I needed to find was the Panther battalion,
the 107th Panzer, because it has a much longer range than the
infantry units. This turned out to be positioned in the town of Brabant, which
was a stroke of genius by the AI. Visibility in this scenario is limited to
30”, because of hedges, vegetation and so on in the flat Dutch landscape, but
this is extended to 36” for units in towns, who have the opportunity to use the
houses as OPs. This meant that the Panthers could see (and fire) just across
the Loobeek river, while the British on the other bank could not fire back.
The Ulsters cross the bridge, the Scots wade the river - both are taking fire |
On the east side of the field the Nebelwerfers struck the 1st
Norfolks, who rolled a 1 on their cover die. This means bad things happen to
them, they lose one attached company and a Decorated Leader, as well as taking DMs.
Infantry in the open roll a D4 as their cover die, making a critical failure
very likely. The Norfolks passed their panic test but had to fall back, adding
3DM. To the west the infantry of the 9th Brigade were approaching
the river; the 2nd Royal Ulsters crossed the undamaged bridge, while
the 1st Scots Borderers prepared to cross the river the direct (and
wet) way. An infantry unit can cross the river using its entire movement
allowance, but it takes D4 DMs. These cause disorder as normal to the unit, but
as they are not from incoming fire they don’t trigger a panic test. The wood on
the bank where the Scots were crossing was empty, but the wood behind was now
found to contain a Parachute Battalion “Hoffman” – they opened fire on the
Scots, causing 3DM but no panic. In the centre the Panthers fired at long range
at the East Yorks, causing 3DMs. The British unit had already accumulated 4DMs,
and while they passed their Panic roll (just) they added a further 2DMs. The
disorder was starting to build up.
Day Segment 12:00 –
14:00 Initiative British. Visibility 30”. Four turns. Time was pressing on
past noon, but a good roll gave the British four turns in this Day Segment.
However things did not start well – in the first artillery phase two of their units
went low on ammo, while the Nebelwerfers struck the East Yorks and three other
battalions in the crowded centre of the field. The East Yorks, with DMs building
up, now panicked. Over to the West Para Hoffman fired on the Scots again, and
this time they were panicked too.
There was a little good news for the British. A Typhoon
squadron attacked the 107th Panzer battalion in Brabant, and
eliminated an attached company and a decorated leader. Soon after the Alarmen
unit in the woods suffered a similar fate from artillery bombardment. Both
units were unlucky, rolling a 1 on their D10 cover dice. Losing their only
decorated leader was a blow for the Alarmen battalion – reserve morale units
recover DMs more slowly than Regulars. Every decorated leader knocks one DM off
its unit each turn, so the Alarmen would now recover only 1 DM per turn, and
that only if it remained stationery.
Another salvo from the Nebelwerfers in the crowded centre
panicked the Grenadier Guards, and the subsequent tests also led to panic for
the East Yorks and the South Lancs. The latter unit had been engaged in
bridging the river with its Churchill engineering tanks, but they had to fall back
– I decided that they would retain their bridging capability, but they would
have to start all over again when they had recovered and returned to the river
In the West the Ulsters had crossed the river and moved onto
the flank of Hoffman in their wood. The German paras were facing the Scots to
their front – if they had turned to face the Ulsters they would have had to
abandon their entrenchments. The Ulsters now charged into close combat, passing
a morale test to do so – the Germans could not fire back on the attack coming
from outside their front arc. However in another wood behind the Ulsters’ flank
Para “Paul” now revealed themselves, firing at the British troops in the open,
causing 3DMs and in the subsequent test the Ulsters panicked and fell back, so
the close combat never happened.
Further artillery attacks on the battered Alarmen battalion
finally proved too much, and they panicked and fell back. Worried that this
might lead to a collapse on that flank, the Germans started to move the Luftwaffe
battalion (another reserve morale formation) out of Venray and forward in
support. They were attacked by a Typhoon squadron, which took damage from a
20mm Flak company attached to the battalion, and the attack had no effect.
Day Segment 14:00 –
16:00 British initiative. Visibility 30”. Two turns. The British artillery
was having little impact on the Germans entrenched in the woods, but the
Germans concentrated their bombardment on the two battalions trying to make
progress on the west side. The Ulsters panicked again, the Scots lost a
decorated leader. On the east flank the 2nd Royal Warks struggled
across the river – they were disordered but with the Alarmen battalion having
fallen back, they were protected by the woods. The Alarmen unit moved back into
the wood, but the Warks fired first, putting enough DMs on the German unit to
fragment them (6DM) meaning that they could not fire on the British struggling
over the river. In the next move the Warks launched a charge – Alarmen, being
fragmented, had to take a morale test and they panicked and ran. This meant
that the British had a foothold over the river in a spot where the Germans
could no longer observe them and so they could not call in artillery. Two other
battalions of the 185th Brigade began to move forward to cross. This
was important, with no bridge yet in the centre (the South Lincolns were
constructing one) and worse to the west, where another salvo from the
Nebelwerfers panicked the Ulsters yet again; they had reached their limit and
broke. As they were the HQ unit for the 9th Brigade, that force
missed a turn, and suffered a permanent Decision Die penalty.
The British start to cross the river as the Alarmen retreat from behind the wood |
The Ulsters have panicked once too often and are now retreating, broken |
Day Segment 16:00 –
18:00 Initiative German. Visibility 30”. Four turns. The Lincolns with
their Churchill bridgelayer had completed a temporary crossing in the centre,
but this was by no means the end of the problems. The Nebelwerfers continued to
pound the infantry of the 8th Brigade – the South Lancs panicked
again, interrupting their bridging work for the second time. As the Grenadier
Guards crossed the new bridge in their Churchills, the Panthers in Brabant hit
them at long range, destroying an attached Stuart recon company. Further
artillery in the vicinity of the bridge then panicked the Lincolns, who fell
back. Then Hoffman fired on the Scots Borderers, who had been pinned down half
way across the river, and they too panicked. In the morale phase each of these
battalions had to take another test, because of the proximity of a friendly
panicking unit, and each failed again – inevitably, with the DMs piling up for
both. This illustrates the way panic can spread and multiply among units under
pressure. Even the Grenadier Guards had to fall back over the bridge again,
although they did inflict damage on the Panthers (another critical cover fail).
The British start to occupy the woods to the east |
To the east things were going better. The Warks pushed
forward into the wood and found the Alarmen unit fragmented in the open on the
other side. They fired and the Germans broke and, because of the closeness of
the enemy, they surrendered. Happily the Warks had an attached Military Police
company who were able to take charge of the prisoners, thus avoiding two turns
of paralysis for the parent battalion – this is the first time in any of my
games that the MPs have been able to have any effect. The other significant
move was by the Churchills of the Coldstream Guards. Realising that there was
not going to be a bridge in their part of the river (the South Lancs having
fallen back again) they started to move across to the west flank and the bridge
there, helped by a good Decision Die roll and the consequent free move.
The Grenadier Guards have crossed the bridge in the centre, while the Coldstreams head for the western crossing |
As the clock ticked towards 18:00 the Scots and the Lincolns
halted, back out of sight of the Germans, and began slowly to recover their
order. But like the East Yorks of 9th Brigade they would not be fit
to participate in any further fighting today. Happily the Grenadier Guards
recovered more quickly, and crossed the bridge again, this time surviving the
fire from the Panthers and turning towards Para Hoffman. To the west the
British infantry had occupied two woods, facing two German Battalions
(Luftwaffe and 107th PzGren) in woods opposite them. They traded
fire, but neither side could make much impact on the other, in good cover in
the woods.
A general view from the south at 18:00 |
Day Segment 18:00 –
20:00 Initiative German. Visibility 18” (Dusk). Two turns. The 185th
Brigade established themselves in the woods to the east, and the firefight
continued; both the Shropshires and the Panzergrenadiers were fragmented (6DMs)
at some point but neither side could press an advantage. To the west the
Grenadier Guards, out of sight now of the Panthers, moved towards Para Hoffman
in their wood, but the Churchills ran low on ammo, with no prospect of
replenishment so far away from the supply column, which was busy rearming the
various artillery units off the board. The Coldstream Guards crossed the intact
bridge and advanced towards Hoffman from the other side, and things looked
bleak for this unit, but full night was falling and firing ceased.
Finish - west |
Finish - centre |
Finish - east |
Technically this was a British victory, as they had five units
across the river (two Guards tank regiments and the three infantry battalions
of 185th Brigade), and two uncontested bridges. However it was not
their finest hour, and certainly not a major victory – they never looked remotely
like reaching Venray. Most of their units spent most of their time trapped in
the open in the centre, unable to advance because of the river and under
constant bombardment – the Nebelwerfers were particularly deadly with their
large beaten zone and Fire Die bonuses. The flanks were much more promising,
and the attacks there should have been pushed more quickly. On the German side,
most of their units fired very little or not at all, with the artillery being
the real threat. Who knows, if they had decided to garrison the forward woods
on the banks of the river, they might have been able to hold the British for
longer. However they would have been obvious targets for bombardment, even
before zero hour – indeed a lot of munitions were wasted on those empty woods.
Perhaps an option to explore in a replay.
Saturday, 29 November 2014
The really little guys
While my core scale is undoubtedly 6mm, I have been looking for a long time at the even smaller models produced by Oddzial Osmy in 3mm scale. I decided finally to bite the bullet, and ordered a few packs of Italian troops from Fighting 15s. Great service, by the way - I ordered them on line just before midnight on Wednesday evening, and I had them in my hands on Friday morning.
The first ones I painted were a pack of medium tanks, M 13/40 - you get 15 of these for £3. I'd say my impression of these is that they are OK - you can't expect the sort of detail that you get on the larger (!) 6mm figures, and for their size these are not bad - rather like the sort of thing we got in 6mm a couple of decades ago.

Next I moved on to a pack of Berseglieri - you get 70 figures for your £3, mostly standing riflemen, but including some prone light machine gunners and mortars. As you would expect they are fairly squat - anything like true proportions at this scale and they would be far too fragile. You can make out enough to paint the flesh, boots and weapons, but it is fairly impressionistic. However my biggest problem came from the metal in which they are cast. This is very hard indeed, and while this gave no problems with the tanks, which are individual models, the infantry are cast in rows of five. You can't use them as they are, they are facing sideways in their rows, so you have to clip them apart. I was able to do this with a pair of metal cutters, but they snap apart very violently, so that I had to do it inside a small bag, to avoid losing figures as they went flying across the room (literally). Worse still, the shock of the cutting caused quite a few of the figures simply to snap off at the "ankles" - seven out of the fifty standing figures broke in this way, and while I was able to roughly glue them back on, it made them even less accurate. Basing them was as much of a chore as with their larger brethren, maybe more so as they are so fiddly to handle.

Overall I am not sure I will get any more - I will probably paint and base the ones I have. They are certainly quicker to paint than 6mm (and much cheaper) but basing is as much work, so the overall time saving is not that huge, and for me the loss of quality is quite significant.
The first ones I painted were a pack of medium tanks, M 13/40 - you get 15 of these for £3. I'd say my impression of these is that they are OK - you can't expect the sort of detail that you get on the larger (!) 6mm figures, and for their size these are not bad - rather like the sort of thing we got in 6mm a couple of decades ago.
Next I moved on to a pack of Berseglieri - you get 70 figures for your £3, mostly standing riflemen, but including some prone light machine gunners and mortars. As you would expect they are fairly squat - anything like true proportions at this scale and they would be far too fragile. You can make out enough to paint the flesh, boots and weapons, but it is fairly impressionistic. However my biggest problem came from the metal in which they are cast. This is very hard indeed, and while this gave no problems with the tanks, which are individual models, the infantry are cast in rows of five. You can't use them as they are, they are facing sideways in their rows, so you have to clip them apart. I was able to do this with a pair of metal cutters, but they snap apart very violently, so that I had to do it inside a small bag, to avoid losing figures as they went flying across the room (literally). Worse still, the shock of the cutting caused quite a few of the figures simply to snap off at the "ankles" - seven out of the fifty standing figures broke in this way, and while I was able to roughly glue them back on, it made them even less accurate. Basing them was as much of a chore as with their larger brethren, maybe more so as they are so fiddly to handle.
Overall I am not sure I will get any more - I will probably paint and base the ones I have. They are certainly quicker to paint than 6mm (and much cheaper) but basing is as much work, so the overall time saving is not that huge, and for me the loss of quality is quite significant.
Fighting 15s,
M 13/40,
Oddzial Osmy,
Sunday, 23 November 2014
More Khaki
Just a bit more off the top of the lead pile - a pack of M5A1 Half Tracks (GHQ UK-33) and two packs of 5.5" howitzers, with the distinctive Matador prime movers - that's UK-66. On the half tracks I used some clutter from the detail pack that GHQ do for these vehicles (actually the pack is designed for M3s and M2s, but the M5A1 is effectively the same as the M3, just a different manufacturer and mostly lend-lease). The detail pack (US-54) gives mine rails for the sides of the vehicles, cargo racks (full and empty) for the back, and other bits and pieces (tarpaulins, rolled nets, jerrycans) which can be stuck on all over to give the half tracks that lived-in look. The 5.5" guns are manned by some H&R artillery crews that I had ready painted from a previous batch.

And the big guns:
And the big guns:
Saturday, 15 November 2014
And after Grant comes Sherman, of course
I wanted to get a bit off my unpainted lead pile, so I took a couple of packs of British Shermans out - GHQ UK-58, which is the Firefly, an essential for a British squadron, and also pretty handy on the battlefield with its 17pdr gun. Officially this is the Sherman VC - the C denoting the 17pdr armament. The other pack was UK-65, the Sherman M4A4 or Sherman V, with a 75mm gun. This was the version with five auto-engines bolted together, in a slightly extended hull (about six inches longer than the regular Shermans). Almost all of these went to the Allies, especially the British - the Americans didn't want it, but the British were very happy, for various reasons. This version is modeled without sand shields, so it's most appropriate for the late war. For North Western Europe I use an Olive Drab for my British vehicles - Lifecolor UA220. To be honest at this scale it does not make sense to be too picky about exact shades, especially as I give them a sepia wash anyway, which takes the colours down a bit. British tanks are a doddle, compared with the fancy German camoflage - Olive Drab from the airbrush, then tracks and the detail. I gave a couple of them aerials - fine plastic thread which I salvage from the tags which hold labels on new clothes. They are quite rigid, but no risk of piercing your fingers as with a wire version, and free of course.
First, the plain M4A4s:

And the Fireflies:

First, the plain M4A4s:
And the Fireflies:
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